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Just for the hell of it...
Last week after work I decided to take a walk with the girlfriend along the Jordan River Parkway on 4800 South. While crossing the bridge where Little Cottonwood comes in, I felt the temptation, and decided to toss a few spinners. I ended up catching a nice little white bass. I was stoked, since it was my first.

So tonight on my way home from work I decided to try my luck again. I rigged up again and this time ended up with 5 whites. They are aggressive little sots, and I played and got hits from about a dozen more.

I even had a few interesting looks and comments from the bikers, and patrons walking the parkway each time one passed by.

I think next time I may use a worm below a bobber and let the eddie current take it in and out. Who knows, there may be a few larger ones lurking there.
NICE WORK ya got to love that fishing in the hood [sly] . ( during the week it cures the need to fish and saves on weekend gas funds [Wink] ). i take the kids out on the jordan like once a week or more mon - thurs.

the bobber worm works good . a 2 or 3 inch tube jig in a brite color kicks but, tip with a worm to help sell it and on the right day it is fish on every cast. we have been fishing all up and down the river from 90th to 134 th south and had good after noons fishing in just about every spot.
[quote in2fishing] NICE WORK ya got to love that fishing in the hood [sly] . ( during the week it cures the need to fish and saves on weekend gas funds [Wink] ). i take the kids out on the jordan like once a week or more mon - thurs.

the bobber worm works good . a 2 or 3 inch tube jig in a brite color kicks but, tip with a worm to help sell it and on the right day it is fish on every cast. we have been fishing all up and down the river from 90th to 134 th south and had good after noons fishing in just about every spot.[/quote]

I live near the 90th location. What type of fish do you pull outta there "in2fishing"?

As for the original poster Utahpunk.......I am glad to see you are pulling white bass out all the way down near 40th. That is a whole lot closer than Utah Lake for sure! I love to hear about the Jordan producing fish. I take it the flows have FINALLY calmed a bit?
Nice job! Those whiteys go all way up the Jordan and side creeks. I used to catch white bass on big cottonwood creek near 9th east when I was a kid.
tye dye me and the kids pull out white bass, cats , carp ----- (and a few large mouth bass when the stars moon and we get lucky all line up) most of the white bass do not get over 10 - 12 inches cat fish most in the 2 - 3 pounder .

the river has not really calmed a bit at all . the flow of the river is still up ya got to look for your go to spot every time ya go out . some days it is slow and other days it is up i have not got it fig out this year. i have not taken my kids to the same spot 2 times in a row yet this summer.

tye dye any time ya would like to jump in with me you are welcome to go send me a PM some time .

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