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Willow is a Mean Mistress
Holy lord, yesterday was painful on the river.

Erawk showed up at my pad at about 5, and we headed for Willow Beach. Weather forecast said wind, cold and rain, so we were ready for the worst. When we got there, it was surprisingly fair weather. We trolled downstream out of the marina for a while, and then the weather changed. The forecast came true, and that's when things got fishy.

A boat fishing near us landed (and unsuccessfully tried to release) a fish that may have been 8 or 9 pounds, and just a few minutes later, Erawk gets a hit. He grabs his setup and I jump to the back of the boat. A minute later, he's got empty hooks. Don't know what happened there.

Then "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" sings my reel, and I fly into action. I set the hook and feel serious weight on the other end. My drag starts peeling, and I tell Erawk to get on the motor and turn us towards the fish. I am cranking hard just to keep pressure on as we motor towards the fish, and as I get full tension, I feel the fish thumping, but I can't gain an inch. Not like the fish was pulling, but like I was pulling a tree..... AAAHHHGG! The fish wrapped me up in one of the many trees strewn throughout the river.

We continue to motor towars the fish, and eventually find him, with my $80 hand-carved magnum a/c minnow in his mouth, tied to a tree in about 20 feet of water. We can see the fish, but not the tree. After multiple attempts to pull him out of the mess, it was evident that we had a problem on our hands.

The wind was blowing at this point, and it had started raining, so just seeing the fish was hard. My new plan was to try netting the fish while I put pressure on him. I about went swimming trying, and I could touch the fish's tail, but could not get him in the net.

The next idea was to snag the hooks of my plug with my rod. If I could grab the plug, i should be able to pull him up. No go. Just couldn't catch a hook. I could feel my fishing pole scraping his scales, but no hook. So i say "come on 30lb mono" and I pull. Really frikkin hard. And I snapped that 30lb mono. And I yelled profanities at the canyon walls as the wind blew us away from where that tree sat.

Heartbroken, I ask Erawk to once again head to the approximate area, and through some miracle of the river, I found that fish again. Erawk gets me in position, and I try once more to grab a hook with my 11 foot fishing pole. The first try was a miss, but the second swipe, I felt a click, and then weight. I GOT HIM! I've got him so good it stopped us in the current and wind. Now all I have to do is pull hard enough to break my line, and I will pull up a plug and a striper! I put the brakes on and pulled with all my might. I fell back into the boat with a fishing pole, no plug, no striper, and one of my guides is mangled. We look again for the fish, but this time, there was no miracle, and there was no fish.

And now, I have to go buy a ridiculously expensive lure to fill my heart's void.

We also targeted trout for a small while, and that was un-fruitful as well.

She's a mean mistress.
WOW! I want to hear that story after three beers! What a great day on the water you all had.
Nights are the most productive down there... I was out there around 5ish sat morning banking it and watching the boats only like 200 yards away getting hits... Right when I get settled in a boat is passing by I hear "fish on!!!!" motor stops and drag is burning zzzzzzzzzzzz then the boat fires back up and makes a u-turn.. No luck but sounded hefty... Found out it was a guy called sneekee on Alans board he lost that one but managed to stick two 20pounders and a 17 that night... I think the majority role from the no wake zone north and south all night from like midnight to sunrise and there done.... Man there banging them thou I can't wait to get my boat in a couple months.... March will be when I got a full set up ready to go... Good luck down there man and dress very warm it was freezing Saturday my hands were ice cubes from getting soaked by pulling moss from my plugs... Btw did you see the 15" magnums at the marina??? Those are sick haha...
Sounds like a fun trip and a total pain in the ass! I didnt realize how much structure (trees) was down there until the river recently dropped. Its crazy, I ended up down there Friday afternoon. Braved the wind for an hour but then the rain came in and drenched me. 45 degrees, soaking wet, windy.....puuuuuurfect day to be fishing [:/]

I did a little exploring though, before my wet mess, and trolled up river from the marina staying to the left side of the river about 15 ft off the rocks. I graphed a lot of fish off of points and in pockets of 30-50 ft deep. This was pretty consistent all the way up past MM 53. Anyone have any luck in that area? Unfortunately the fish finder technology doesnt tell you the class of fish, just that is big....or small.
[cool]Wow!! The agony of it all. To lose both a huge striper and a pricey lure to a tree completely sucks. But I know you will be back for revenge. As they say in fishing; revenge is a dish served cold,wet and with sharp hooks. Great report.
crazy story... willow has never shown me any mercy /sigh [crazy]
Willow giveth and taketh away. [fishon]
I was looking forward to a happy ending to the story, sorry for your loss.

How big did the striper look?
Let me start by saying that I don't usually go to willow for the fishing. I mean i fish every time I'm there but never expect much. Haha That said, that rainy Sunday was the best willow trip I've ever had. And we didn't even boat a fish. Lol

It was the first time I've ever witnessed the mythical willow beach striper with my own eyes.... Twice... haha. It was almost the perfect storm.

When we saw the guy land the fish we knew it was game on so we hopped back in the boat and began trolling again. Shame I didn't land a fish, but it was nice to actually feel the tug of a striper at willow. The disappointment of pulling in the empty plug was short-lived since Whizzle hooked up at that same time.

That striper must have headed straight down into the trees after realizing his mistake.

We tried damn hard to boat that fish but it was just out of reach every time. If only we had been fighting the fish instead of that tree, It would have turned out differently.

As far as size, I can only say that it dwarfed that magnum ac plug. There was about 10' of water between us so it's hard to say. It wasn't a 60lbr, but it had to be 30" at least.

It was a great day, by willow standards hah
I mean it had to have been 4' long [sly] (had a few beers)

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