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Back To Snagging
Once, a few years back, I had a high school angling class. To conclude the class we had a field trip to go fishing in a location where you didn't need a license. This was a time when the bonita ran up the San Gabriel river. I chose to take the class on the jetty to fish for these fast moving and powerful fish because they were perfect for learners. I called the Fish and Game to assure that a license wasn't needed to fish off any man made jetty. They confirmed it as OK. When we got to the jetty and started fishing the Warden showed up and was prepared to issue citations, for no licenses in fresh water fishing. Some of the kids were fishing on the east, or land side of the Seal Beach bridge which was designated "fresh water". Therefore you needed a license. I talked the warden out of the citations but realized that a certain group of fishermen were breaking the law and probably didn't know it. They are the Mullet snaggers that run up and down the bank two miles up river and cast giant snag gangs at jumping mullet.These guys probably don't realize that they are illegally snagging in fresh water, even though the water is salty.
i guess snagging around here is the lesser of two evils . i have heared conversations by people that make me want to puke !

these #$%^^$##@ go to the small streams and creeks and wait for the salmon that venture up these small tributarys and then murder them !

shotguns , .22's , bow , spear , clubs , pitchforks , anything at all !

it makes me want to get a tire iron and give them a taste of there own medicen !

these small travelways are not regulary patrolled , so they get away with it . i guess our n.r. co's undermaned ant go to the more fished waters , a downstate fisherman is more apt to pay the ticket than go to court , the local poacher knows where and when to strike .

i've been studing the no snagging laws from other states as well , i want to make sure i know the laws and abide by them . these so and so's that not only ignore the law and then bost about it need to be broght to justice !

Hey lonehunter,

For your own health's sake, please don't repress your true feelings. It's OK! Say what you really mean! ha ha ha ha

Now... if it were me, I'd realllllllllllly get perturbed.


advanced editor isn't working , but i got about a dozen of these today . i pulled that middle one out of a fish i cought leagely , but because it (the fish ) has snag marks in it , it must be released or face a ticket . i removed the " lure ?" and set the fish free . good thing too , the dnr was watching and came across the river to congratulate me for doing the right thing .
them look like home made, two look like last years and one looks new. a good sign that we have a repeate offender on our hands.[mad]

I give it the [mad] face till which time it becomes nessary to make snagging leagle and the collecting of eggs vital again.
the middle one os actually the lega; ;ure , the other two are banned from use . that's because it has movable trebs instead of a fixed hook , it is under one ounce , the hooks are the legal size , and it has color = permanate marker was used for that . just barley legal .
d.b.r. co's said there no different than using a cleo or spoon .
i think there's a big design difference . i'll be redesigning them , melting them down to make more sinkers !
thats what I thought they were, egg sinker material[sly]

man it is hard keeping up with the rule changes. before if it was a fixed treble hook it was called a spider (20 some years ago) but so long as it is just the one treble comming out of the back I guess I can see why the co would say that. the rule states no sinkers below your treble hooks. (that is concidered an elegal snagging set up)
whats worse than that is i had my fish stolen today !
30" walleye , a coho and a shonooke salmon , and two perch .
i had my cooler on the jeep to go to the can and it was gone within a couple minutes . $$^& thives !
you just cant go there alone, never have been able to. you aint dealing with regular anglers there, some of the bottom of the barrol comes floating up when it comes time for salmon shagging.
bassass said the very same thing , the reputation of thoes anglers sure fits .

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