01-12-2012, 10:00 AM
Been catching a bunch of Striper as some of you may know, I thought I would share what I am doing an where. I have been using my humminbird to locate baitfish around the mouths of coves(gulls help also) around the middle of the lake. I use side imaging to locate fish around bait. I am throwing 5&quot; swimbaits, white bucktails, and spoons to catch these fish near shad schools. Some coves are thick with shad between the surface and twenty feet deep. I know a few other forum members have targeted these fish as well. They are easy to locate, but can be tough to catch at times. I am leaving town next week, and won&#39;t be fishing for a while, so trying to enjoy it while I can!<br /><br />Water clear to about 4&#39;....temp 46.....@winter pool<br /><br />http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee77/jon_the_fisherman/Striper1-9-2012-2.jpg<br />http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee77/jon_the_fisherman/Striper1-9-2012.jpg