02-04-2012, 10:00 AM
Got home this afternoon around 3:45 and hooked up the boat. Got on the water a little after 4 and fished until a little after six. Did not have any to chase again so I got out the shakey and started getting hits. My issue today was I missed more then I caught. I had three bites I totally missed, one I hooked for a couple seconds, then it came off and three others made it into the boat. One was only 14 inches but the other two were nice ones right at 3 lbs each. emoSmile Not bad for just a couple hours, seven bites. Would have been a lot better if all seven had made it into the boat. emoRolleyes I caught the bass from the 10 to about 15 foot range off the main river.<br /><br />May go again tomorrow if the rain is not too bad.<br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax