02-04-2012, 10:00 AM
What a beautiful day,
Finally got a chance to get out to try for a few crappie. They cooperated somewhat, emoScratch Still haven&#39;t found the big fish but I had a good time with the little ones just the same. Wasn&#39;t planning on keeping any anyway so something pullin&#39; on the other end of the line was great, emoThumbsup Started out about sunrise in Possum Creek but it took a while to find some crappie who would cooperate on the other end of the line, emoScratch Not too many people out today to enjoy the great weather, (can&#39;t believe this weather for Feb. Never seen it like this before, Global warming, emoScratch May be) It was interesting when I found fish who wanted to play. Lots of 8 and 9 inch fish but very few keepers. I ended the day with a total of 54 but only had about 15 out of that total that would have kept. I put &#39;em all back to grow up, emoSmile It was interesting that using BG 2&quot; shad on tight line I caught almost all shorts but when I switched to float &amp; fly I caught more bigger fish with fewer shorts mixed in. I used the same mixture of BG colors to see if that made the difference but had no effect. The bigger fish just like the float &amp; fly best emoScratch Biggest fish of the day was 12 &amp; a half and had 3 or 4 more which were 12 inchers. the rest were shorter. It was fun anyway and lookin&#39; forward to the next trip. Water temp was 50* almost everywhere. I looked at the current when I got home, they ran 88K&#43; all day so fishing in the river was almost impossible. Caught most of the fish in sloughs emoFish emoFish<br /><br />I did forget to give the depths. Tightline was around a 6 count in most places but some were on a 10 count. The float &amp; fly was set at 6 feet in 12 FOW over brush in a couple places and set at 10 feet in 15 FOW over brush.