02-04-2012, 10:00 AM
<br /> almost didnt go this morning. with all things pointing to a not so good day of catching ,sonular tables, fishing watch, fast AND muddy water , then the wind forecast. oh <br /> and it was pretty cold this morning too!!! but i had my new 898 &#39;bird on the boat that needed to be tried out and tweaked emoParty . <br /> when i got to the ramp air temp was 23F with a water temp of 46F and looking close to what i had in my coffee cup. <br /> got to moving around on the water and the new bird was &amp;quot;painting &amp;quot; very nicely and showing detail that i had never seen with my 798 bird emoThumbsup <br /> i headed across the lake to pick up jim for some scouting and fishing (the plan was mostly scouting ) . on my way over i noticed a couple of nice schools<br /> of fish suspended high as well as some under a floating dock . <br /> i got jim in the boat and headed over to a bridge piling to see if any fish were there but they were all shorts . we did have a nice chat with some other folks at the bridge then <br /> head out to scout some creek channels . while we did spot (and mark) lots of nice stumps and structure not many fish were to be found. <br /> headed over to the floating dock i had looked at on the way over and scanned it again .. yep fish still there . first GOOD cast (tough dock to shoot) that got into the sweet spot i got a nice 13&amp;quot; crappie then a few minutes later a 13-1/2 then even jim managed to shoot his jig into the right spot to get in on the action emoPoke <br /> ended up keeping 10 fish between 11&amp;quot;and 13-1/2 tossing back a decent number of 10&amp;quot; fish and about 15 or so short fish. <br /> the the muddy water BRIGHT colors (neon types) were the ones that worked 2&amp;quot; orange/char slab slayers as well as a 3&amp;quot; outlaw special slab slayer worked well for me. <br /> and jim did pretty well with the outlaw special minnows. we only spent about 2 hours on that dock before the wind picked up around noon and it was time for me to head home . <br />