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the maddog, Chickamauga the muddy, Queen Crappie, 2-5-12, spitter
<br /> Met Marvin at the ramp at 8:30, he was still chapped about that toad smallie that I caught Friday on a "toy" rod as he calls it. He said"DogMan I'm gonna catch the queen crappie today I just feel it in my bones." I replied to just wish-on that it was just his arthritis acting up- we both Smiled and then went fishin. Checked the roadbeds and did not find any crappie just 4 big catfish, several yellow stripe,a small largemouth and a 10lb drum. Moved to the bluff area and checked a blowdown treetop...marked fish at 18fow in a thermoline(water must be clearer that deep)in 22fow, caught 4 crappie over 12.5in and then Marvin juiced up his OS with a fresh >quid< and promptly lipped a 15,1/2incher over the side of the boat(he dont believe in using a net-says thats sissy stuff) I weighed it in at 2lb now I'm eating crow pie the rest of the day! Never caught another fish here after Queenie so we stopped again at some concrete pilings in the yacht club slough and found a few short crappie...ended the day with only 9 keepers plus the Queenie - all fish released today, is the maddog getting soft or what? Oh Yea, hung out around the flagpole waiting for the boat ramp to clear and caught one of DK's target species right there in his own backyard. emoLaugh Water temps up to 52.4* after the overnite rain. Besides the big crappie the highlight of the morning was finding 80-100 sandhill cranes had roosted on Loret Island and took off in one big reverberating sounding flock...thought I was in the Everglades for a moment...too far away to get a decent just had to be there anyhow to enjoy the thrill !emoDance Like Marvin always says"you cant see nuthin like that a sittin on the couch"...I'm inclined to wholeheartedly agree.<br /> Got the pleasure to meet Catfish1 on the water and talked fishing, Lowrance graphs and about Madtown Geno emoThumbsup

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