02-06-2012, 10:00 AM
Got on the water @ 8 this mourning. Put in at cfp. Tried stump beds with nothing to show. Fished a few points nada. Went to nuke plant fished some bluffs=zilch! People who say we should ban the A rig because its unfair can kiss it! I threw that dang rig way to much and still havent been bit on it. I've heard the arguement that all you gotta do is find the fish and the catching is easy....Well duh! To some it may be just that easy but to a no fish catchin average joe like me FINDIG the fish is the hard part! If your arguement is to ban it before we tare a rotater cup or get tennis elbow now thats a real concern but to think we got some kind of unfair advantage I just don't get it. I did manage a few fish from a no nothing bank that was close to deep water and being blown by the wind pretty hard. Got em all on square bill crank. Water temp was 54.