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Blues are bitin'
Have to go now. Just wanted to say I am back to normal and we caught our limit last night 10 each blue cats all over 10lb. Bill caught a 19lb one.

We came home to fridge them and stay legal. thats our limit for 24 hours. I had a little time to post on the internet and kiss my wife.

She is going with us today, we got more beer and heading back to the payneway spillway.

Two years ago at my secret spot a 69lb blue was caught.

I hope I end up with a pic for you guys of that. I might post some pics of our fun today. We are taking the 4wheelers for the kids so they can have fun. Getting them to watch a fishing pole is like trying to get water and oil to mix. lol

It's going to be a great day of blue cat fishing for sure. We were catching 5lbl to 10lb every 10 minutes .. throwing the ones under 10lb back.

When it's this hot it's fun. take off work and go fishing.

cool, Catfish Fry, Have own fork and plate will travel. [:p]
Hi im home now..

we didn't get a monster but we got in the last 48 hours over 60lb of nice blue cats.

Now the cleaning.

If we payed for this much catfish at the market it would be over 200$.

After filet we will have about 60lb of nice prime blue catfish.

not bad for two days.
Going to sleep now finally....
sleep?I want to see pictures!maybe even a vid of the way u clean them,I'd like to see your skills with the fillet knife
sweet, glad to hear the freezer is fealing healthy.
you nail them to a telaphone pole cut around the neck and pull the skin down with a pair of pliers. [:p] no joke..
When they are that big I just filet them like saltwater guys do ... behind the gill down the back to the tail.

come back up the tail and keep the filet.

We didn't get any pics or video because we were all drinking alot those two days.

I can take pics of the filets... lol.

That happens a lot here at that spot.

I hope some of you come to NE AR and I can take you to my real honey hole in Payneway.

Sit for hours with no hit and then catch a blue cat 20+ last year I watched a friend catch a 69lb blue there.

Not the spot at the spillway where we got on this hot action. We tried the hot spot during this and they weren't hitting.

That spot holds cats 20-70lb .. blues.

Ya catch one there you caught a good one. Its the biggest I've ever caught at my profile I have it posted as my largest.

If any of you want to come fish here for these let me know. You are welcome.

But I fish for the bass most.
Thats how I clean them also,for scaly fish I first remove the skin though,congrats,your freezer,yea,it must be happy like Dave said. Enjoy
I prefer to flet them and then skin them on the table, but the big ones it is just easier to hang them and pull the skin down with pliers. then I bone them like the back side of a deer.
the larger cats I just cut them from the neck back to the tail.

and we broil those.

lots of meat.

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