Alright guys. You all seem to be slacking so I guess I have to come rub in the success. I wasn't really excited about going turkey hunting this year, but a friend wanted to go, so I said I would.
We waited 9 days for the early season rush to wear off and I took today off from work so we could go. We had some trouble (trouble = got lost) getting into my "honey hole", so as it was getting light we decided to stop the ATV and do a little calling. We got 4 different groups of birds to answer before we left that spot, but the only ones that came our way walked past out of sight just a ways off.
We moved to another location and couldn't get anything going, so we moved again. In the third spot we got gobbles right away, so we moved about 100 yards from the ATV and set up quickly. It's a good thing we did, because those birds beat feet right to us. The next time the gobbled they were only 40-70 yards out. Within 10 minutes of hoping off the ATV, we had 3 birds walk into our setup and we doubled.
The birds are nothing much to brag about,
(this is the part where I rub it in) but since none of you have posted your "long-beards" yet, I guess that puts me in the lead for the long beard contest! [

You can count me for somewhere between 1.25 and 1.5 inches of beard! LOL.[blush] Either way, I got first blood...........
I really need one of you to "one-up" me before this goes to my head.[:p]
Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Driving out, a grouse that was defending his territory flew off the side of the hill, smacked me in the arm, pooped on my dash, and bounced off the door jam almost going through the cab of my truck. Started the poop out of both of us. [
