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Stone May 15
I got out for a few hours and decided to go and visit an old friend. I haven't fished Stone Reservoir for at least 10 years. Partially because it is out of the way, but mostly because of the mass of ski boats that are on it in the summer. It is long and narrow and the ski boats usually take up the south half by the dam. Unfortunately the north and more shallow half fills in quickly with weeds and is full of carp.

Yesterday was a perfect day to be on the reservoir. I had the whole thing to myself! There were a couple of campers, but no boaters out.

[inline Stone1.JPG]

The reservoir is pretty full, but still not quite up to last year's bathtub ring that is on the trees.
[inline Stone4.JPG]

About the only others I saw on the reservoir were a bunch of baby grebes that came out and followed me around for awhile. They were sure cute little buggers.

[inline Stone3.JPG]

It is hard to say how the fishing was. It was very good if you like freshly stocked trout! If you don't, then it was just OK. I think I caught a bunch of 10 to 13 inchers. They were sure pretty and fresh though. I am not sure if it was the water color or what, but they had the bluest backs I have seen on anything short of a fresh run salmon. This picture doesn't even show how blue they were.
[inline Stone2.JPG]

All in all it was a delightful morning playing with the fishies!
Wow! A grundle and a half of fishies, and baby grebes too. That sounds like a good day to me.
Beautiful! What? No carp?[laugh][laugh][laugh]
It was a very good day, and I enjoyed it a lot! I didn't mean to give the impression that I am so spoiled that I don't enjoy the planters too. I do, but I know that some don't.

So for those that want something heftier, they may have to wait for awhile until these get a little more growth on them. The same is probably true for most of the small reservoirs that have been stocked this month. I know that a lot of them have new fishies.

Those little buggers sure jump and fight like champions though. I thought for sure several times that I had a fish on that was twice its size. Fun!

FlyGoddess, I didn't see a single carp on this trip. I motored two miles up the reservoir before I was about out of time and turned around. For the carp I think I would have had to go up at least another mile to get up into the weed flats.

I was kind of looking to see if I could catch something besides the trout. There used to be Largemouth, crappie, and perch in Stone, but I heard rumors that it was drawn down all the way about 5 or 6 years ago. There still might be some in there but I didn't catch any this time. I fished everything from 6 inches to 20 feet, but I am not very good at convincing LM to play, so I will try for them again sometime.

The water temp was 60 degrees and most of the trout I caught were in about 15 ft of water.
I was at stone in Feb, trust me, there are bazillions of carp in there, and I saw a bunch of and caught LMB.
That is good to know. I knew the carp were still there somewhere, I just wasn't sure about the bass. Have you caught any crappie there?
Not this year, last time I fished and caught crappie there was 2000. I did see in Feb, the largest LMB that I have ever seen, he was swimming next to my flipper and made my flipper look small.
great pics and report looks like a fun time [cool]
I've been meanin to fish that lake since I've moved to Pocatello but just haven't made it down there yet.

Thanks for the report

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