06-01-2012, 04:27 AM
First 2012 Cattin' Challenge Entry!
Landed this pig tonight on the Green River not too far from town. He ended up being about 30.5 inches long and weighed in at 13 pounds. Not a bad start for the South! CAT ON!!!
[#000080]NOTE: I moved your post to start it's own thread. You can reply to this thread with your next hawg of a cat! [/#000080]
[#000080]Nice one.[/#000080]
NOTE: please lay the ruler on the ground flat, then the fish on top.
Landed this pig tonight on the Green River not too far from town. He ended up being about 30.5 inches long and weighed in at 13 pounds. Not a bad start for the South! CAT ON!!!
[#000080]NOTE: I moved your post to start it's own thread. You can reply to this thread with your next hawg of a cat! [/#000080]
[#000080]Nice one.[/#000080]
NOTE: please lay the ruler on the ground flat, then the fish on top.