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Salmon Region Access Guide
IDFG has published a first rate, 68-page color Access Guide that covers The Salmon River from Stanley down to North Fork as well as portions of the Middle Fork.
The level of detail and documentation is superb. Currently the booklet is out of print but 2000 more copies are expected this month. It's not online and there don't seem to be any immediate plans to put it online. Maybe the readers of BFT can do a little lobbying in that regard, eh?

We wrote a post about it on our website where you see a sample of the format and style the booklet uses to show a typical obscure access point on Valley Creek.

We figured some of the readers here might not know about this guide. It really is a tremendous piece of work.

Happy Fishing! jp
Looks like an excellent document to have. Where can I get one once the new printing is out?
Thanks for your note. I have email into Greg Painter asking if IDFG will mail them out when they arrive at the Salmon Region Office. I kind of doubt they will mail them but "ya never know." I am also going to ask the Salmon Chamber of Commerce to consider mailing them out if IDFG won't. Give them a call and see "whazzup." ( 208-756-6274 ) We picked up our copy in the Challis BLM office in early May. That's the only place we saw them so far this year.
I love this booklet. Will help. Killer info.
Looks good. Wish they would put it online. Does anyone have one they could scan, or would that be considered a no-no by F&G?
Thanks for your note. I have a verbal request into Greg Painter to be able to scan it for our website. I suppose I ought to formalize the request in an email. I'd prefer that IDFG put the whole thing on their website and then we could just link to it.

Now with that in mind, it would seem to me that anyone could scan the booklet and share it with their friends one-to-one, so to speak. There's no copyright notice in it that I could see.In fact, I just double checked and still haven't seen a copyright notice in it. So, what could possibly be the problem if you scanned it? I don't see any but I am not an attorney.

I don't want to scan it without their permission since our website is (in theory) designed to make money. So, technically I don't want to run afoul of IDFG by putting it there without their express permission.

You as an individual are in a whole different ball game than our website. I can't imagine what trouble you possibly get in but YMMV! As long as you don't publish it yourself someplace, who's to know what you did with it?

Just my 2 cents. Many Cheers, jp
Seems like it would be information that they would want to share in as many ways as possible.

As long as it isn't being sold......., but I don't have one anyway.
It's been an interesting discussion today on this Access thing. I think the best way to encourage IDFG to put it online is to call up the Salmon Office and give your opinion over the phone or email whoever you know in the dept. Earlier in the day I toyed with the idea of a petition but I don't like that idea so I deleted it. Just use the good old-fashioned method and voice an opinion. If enough people call or email, they will eventually get around to it. It's too good an idea NOT to put online!

Thank You for all your notes and ideas and thoughts. Many Cheers, jp

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