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A B C's of Willard
A: Have a fish/depth finder... We did not

B: Take an anchor...we did not. (Especially in a small duck boat)

C: learn from your mistakes... We did.

And this concludes our lesson for the day..
that makes me laugh and feel somewhat better ccause i feel the same way everytime i go there.[cool]
It was pretty frustrating... We weren't getting anything trolling. So we tried some jigging with bait. We found fish but couldn't stay on top of them because we didn't have the anchor. Plus im not at all dogging my buddy's boat but it and its motor was so small it took us forever to move from spot to spot. By noon we were defeated and almost out of gas. The wind and power crowd showed up so we called it a day.[Sad] We ended up with one baby smallmouth...
Willard's a mean ol' B---ay. I've not put in the time that lake needs, and in a small craft - yeah, it's a big lake!
But I think I have caught every species there - except carp (drat!), though few and far between. (actually - no crappie there either..yet)

A finder is pretty key there. Though there are some locations that folks can id by shore signs. I know TD always does his zig zag thing, moving shallow to deep along a shore.
But if you've got a lot of wind, and no anchor . . .

Next time you'll be able to be better prepared. Hey - you didn't get skunked or sunk, so coulda been worse!
Ouch sounds like a rough day, the good thing is it can only get better [Wink]
Got to love Willard for why it is, and for what you forgot to bring.[crazy]
I knew it was tuff place to fish. My expectaions were fairly low considering my lack of knowledge and proper gear. I knew that I was in for a challenging day. Ill be going back ASAP.

BTW...this was mentioned in another thread but just a heads up. The South Marina is closed because of the dredging in the inlet.. A guy I ran into told me the sign said it is suppose to open back up on friday.

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