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Down by the RiverSide
Got called into work while on vacation, so figgered I'd earned a little play time, and while I was on that end of town . . . yup, hit the Bear again. Same story different day - Crappie, Small and LM Bass.

Went with a curly tail jig this time, along with pitching some spinners. Crappie liked them ok, so did the bass.
[inline "Curly Crappie.jpg"]

[inline "Smallie on a Twistie.jpg"]

Had to take one of my CapSpinners out for a "spin" and this little largie said "thank you - may I have another".
[inline "Lil Largie on a CoyoteCapSpinner.jpg"]

Had a couple big hookups - one that spit the hook, and the next (even biggerrer) was determined to run. Not wanting to get another hook flung at me, some silly voice said tighten down the drag.

Ping - went the 4x leader, as I tried to horse it so it couldn't give a headshake. Oops! That was a nice fish! So if it broke a 4lb leader, that means it was bigger than 4lbs right? nyuck

Some visitors came around, funny when you hear sudden clodding and stomping through the bushes - weren't no Bull Moose, but a nice neighbor all the same.
[inline "Friends of a feather OR hoof.jpg"]

Had an opportunity to fix up some Panko fried Crappie for my folks. My mum is not a big fish fan, but it all went over great. Now she's sold!
Wow seems like your doing pretty good on the bear. Any bass or crappie on that river is good no matter what the size. Once you got it figured out you can usually do okay on that river. On second thought once you think you have it down somthing will change and you wont catch crap. Good job man twice in a row, awsome.
Wheres all the kitties at.[Smile]
shoot me a PM and ill tell you how to hold them so they LOOK big[Wink]
Seems like a top day on the water mate. Some very nice pics too Smile
Yote three for three trips that's great. I still haven't found time to try but I did see BA there last night when I got home from work so you may have some competition now. Nice catch once again. Oh watch for a story from Rod today he will get you excited for Hyrum. Later J

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