10-29-2003, 01:34 PM
last saturday I snuck out to get a bit of fishing in on Logan River. When I reached first dam It looked strange, kind of cloudy, like some one had stirred up a bunch of sediment. That screwed up my plans to hook a big white fish, so I drove up the canyon. At third dam the water was similar in color. I decided to drive up and hit some beaver ponds farther up but when I got there the all had 1/2" of ice on them. I fished in numerous locations on the river but fishing was really slow. Now to the reason for my post. I found out that Friday night a dairy truck full of buttermilk had rolled over and dumped about half its load of buttermilk into Logan river. I don't know what effect that will have on the fishing, but apparently there were no dead fish around. Maybe they are just marinating in the buttermilk and we just need to batter them up for dinner.