01-27-2013, 10:00 AM
They are still biting but not as good as they were before the lake came up. I managed about 25 today and brought home a few for a couple messes. I was out for four hours so not too bad. I just had one of the messes for supper this evening and like I have always said, it is hard to beat crappie straight from the lake into the fry pan. I caught them today from 10 to 18 feet deep. Several I never felt hit, they were just there. I did have a couple nice ones over a pound but nothing huge. All on my little winnie rod, 4 lbs Mr. Crappie line and a small 1/16th head. I had to go up on the head size from the 1/32nd I had been using since the current was fairly strong. I don&#39;t think I was getting it down there until I changed.<br /><br />I did weigh a nice bass for a couple CFFers that was 10 pounds and 10 ozes. emoWorthy They are going to post it here soon so I will stop there. Very nice bass. emoThumbsup Jmax