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sam i am, Chickamauga, bass, 3-23-13, Derick kurkindal
Me and some friends from work braved the rain, cold and boat traffic this mourning. Lots of people on the water this mourning for sure. Water temps upper 40's to lower 50's by afternoon. Fished rocky points most of the day. Threw the rig quite a bit then switched to jerkbait. First fish came off a point with deep water close by and ended up being the days best for us at 5.14. Thanks to Derick for sacraficing life and limb( well he did take a hook in the thumb) to lip my fish for me. We only got two more fish all day but it was good enough to win first in our work tx. I think all the A-rigs flying through the air and churning up the water scared all the fish! emoBigSmile

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