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BassERT, Chickamauga, White Bass and Crappie, 6-14 ~ 6-17-13, Only me and Saturday Mrs. BassERT
<br /> Friday, I got a slow start. I decided I would go back to a White Bass hole that was working for me earlier in the week.<br /> It was still working and the fun part was the size of the whites were 14+ to almost 17 regular.<br /> What I would call boat paddles! It was drag the bottom on a 16 with a BG MM silverfish slowly with an occasional "palsey" twitch.<br /> What fun! One of the easiest days of white bass catching for the area I was in. My first 15 or 16 fish were caught in 20 casts.<br /> Since I was fishing my long rod crappie rig, I had to take my time on the 6lb line ( I had been using 4lb for a few days!). It feels like a crappie bite and then the drag runs and the line strips and you say to yourself, "patience". <br /><br /> Definitely a net day for landing these guys.<br /> I pulled out my old trusty tail spin and caught a few more but they liked the grub better.<br /> I later crossed the lake and finished with a brushpile full of 50-50- keepers for 35 crappie before I packed it up.<br /> Not bad for a few hours. Took some pics.<br /> Most solo pics were from the top down, so it changes the angle of the length of the fish.<br /> <br /> Saturday I took Susan straight to the hole and she started smiling and laughing right away as the pattern was holding and the fish were biting.<br /> We caught whiteys and I got a nice 4lb LM (TGF) with a big gut and a bloody tail. Really good fight on my gear!<br /> Susan caught a 9lb blue slimer at the same time I had the nice bass on..."Net!...Net!...Net" Ha it was fun!<br /> We finished by catching around 40 crappie on the brushpile.<br /> She was happy and that is what matters!<br /> We took pics<br /> <br /> Sunday, I went solo and the pattern was working, but much slower than the day before.<br /> I struggled to get 20 and when I finally did, I left to try a new idea on my crappie fishing. I did get a 3lb bass and a big slimer as well as some yellows and a few crappie there.<br /> I sent my jig for a slow ride as I fished some 25+ foot water.<br /> I wasn't catching what I saw on the graph, so I started hunting a good depth.<br /> I finally worked up to a 8-10 count and the fish loved it. I ended up with 14-15 nice size crappie there, maybe 1 TB.<br /> I didn't expect that there and it was an eye-opener. I learned a lesson to stay longer to try the different depths better next time. Always learning.<br /> Took some pics<br /> <br /> Today I went early to beat the rain and it was like someone threw a switch! 1 white on a tail spin!<br /> It was fun anyway and I picked a few crappie before I went home. Not a big day, but a great time for me!<br /> I had fun and went home early.<br /> <br /> I noticed 2 guys gill netting in the middle of the creek near the first bend, I went by slowly and when they saw me watching, they started throwing back fish like crazy.<br /> They had no net markers and no numbers except for "GA" on the right front of their boat. I called the "TWRA Hotline" to no answer and then after I hit "O" No further ability for contact.<br /> emoScratch <br /> <br /> emoCool <br />

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