06-18-2013, 09:00 AM
After calling out the thirty six boats that joined us for our annual Christopher J. Robertson &quot;Never Give Up&quot; Cancer Benefit Tournament, Seth and I headed across the water to one of our favorite jaunts. Right off the bat I lost a good one at the boat. Brian and Tiffany were within earshot (sorry guys). We managed to boat a couple of there but the bite was real slow so we decided to head towards the ski slough. We had caught some nice ones the weekend before and were hoping for a repeat. We should have known better. If there&#39;s anything that Seth and I can do well, it&#39;s catch nice fish EXCEPT on tx day. Each of us did manage our catch of the day in this spot (pics below).<br /><br />Tough bite so we moved a couple more times with little success. Seth did boat quite a few fish, we just couldn&#39;t find the weight we needed. Seth had to be back to get things set up an Noon so we decided to fish his last 40 or so minutes by Camp Columbus. That&#39;s where he managed to get our biggest of the day, a little over 4 pounds. I dropped him off at the ramp and headed out for another hour and a half. I did manage to cull once on a 6XD. Other fish were caught on shakey heads and Texas rigged worms.<br /><br />I got tired of the pleasure boaters trying to knock me out of my Tracker and decided to head back. We ended the day under 9 lbs I think but we had a great time.<br /><br />AGAIN, MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS. WE TRULY APPRECIATE EACH OF YOU!<br /><br />