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Taking the Grandkids to Strawberrry on Saturday for some crawdaddin !! Thought I might try and get a few chubs to freeze also. Have not had much luck in the past though. I have used dry dog food and dry cat food in my traps. Any other suggestions ???? I am taking my cast net also incase I find some large schools.
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I've always just used bread. I get a rock, and smash the bread around it to keep the bread at the bottom of the trap. It also keeps the bread away from the minnows on the outside of the trap.
I've used Ritz crackers in a zip lock bag with holes punched in it. I also put rocks in, to hold the bag at the bottom
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[#0000FF]I always grab the last couple of pieces of bread before it goes moldy or ends up in the trash. I freeze it in the wrapper. Then I thaw it and break it up to add to the minnow trap...along with some dried dog food. The mix seems to work better than using just one or the other.
Another thing that helps is to paint your minnow trap green. I have tried using both black and bright metal traps side by side with green painted ones and I always do better with the (algae) green ones.
Good luck with finding some small chubs. Not like in the olden days...before cutt saturation and slot limits. You can still find some coves with small schools of smaller chubs but most of the remaining ones are the big ol' leftover chubosauruses.
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Just wonderin"?.... Ever used a minnow trap to catch small white bass? Those 2-3 inchers sure make good cat bait and they are pretty easy to catch with an itty-bitty hook and a half inch of worm but ... might be faster and more productive with a minnow trap?? Legal?
Anybody have any thoughts on this one?
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Bread, or older/harder rolls do it everytime.
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Not legal to trap game fish.
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[#0000FF]As you have been advised, it is not legal. Even though there is no limit on them...and up until this year we needed to "thin the herd"...they are still listed as a "protected" species.
Saw a guy get busted at Lindon two years ago for keeping some small whities along with some chub minnows he caught in a trap. I talked to the CO and he agreed that they should be available for mass harvest. But when I presented that at a RAC meeting it was tabled and never got to the review stage. Ditto for allowing the use of corn as bait for carp in Utah Lake. The mere mention of corn in Utah sends DWR folks into seizures. All kinds of things that "MIGHT" happen once they lower the barrier even a teensy bit.
No good reason for it. It's just policy.
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Kent, TD, got it. Thanks
I have had good luck with a minnow trap using fresh bread rolled into a ball. I remove all of the crust from the outside of a slice of fresh bread and then roll the soft center into a tight ball. It holds together pretty good as it slowly flakes apart.
As for the white bass.... I'll stick with itty-bitty hooks.
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A can of liver cat food with holes punched in it so the smell and flavor will leech out has always worked the best for me.
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my grandpa used to put some old cheese in there