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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 27 Oct 2013, Dr Phil
<br /> Sunday mornings usually find Dr Phillip Gawthrop and I on the lake for a short while. It was nice early, not too cold, no wind to speak of, but before we left, the wind began to pick up and I was glad that we quit when we did. Not too many fish and only 6 keepers, although we didn't keep all, but lots of fun figuring the fish out. We caught our fish deep mostly. We caught 7 on the first stop, 1 keeper. It was a big stump with crappie all over it. When the fish turned out to be small, we left them biting and went to search for larger fish. I did manage to catch one tarp and had a white crappie that was 13.25 inches long. The poor thing looked like it just came from a concentration camp, so we let it go. It had to be on a hunger strike and had been for quite some time.<br /> I fished with Soddy Custom 2" shads that were Bobby Garland lookalikes. That is all that I tried this morning. Fish were on a 19 to 25 count and very subtle bites. Not many bites that were aggressive. Phil experimented with different lures. He has trouble when we fish as deep as we did today. The I-Pilot front ended him a little bit too. I had nothing to do with that. emoBigSmile emoGeezer <br />

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