11-06-2013, 10:00 AM
Did not do great but we did better then yesterday. Had a chance again to have a limit but had the same kind of mis-haps today that we had yesterday. I hate a frog. Even when I do hook them I seem to loose them trying to get them in. I believe I had nine blow ups today fishing a frog and only hooked two of those nine fish. One was about three and the other was 5 pound and 6 ozes. At least the quality was there. I lost another that looked to be two and a half to three pulling it across the grass and about half way it just came off. emoBang Derek caught two nice ones on a trap that would have gone around two each but we could never boat that fifth keeper. Ended up with 12.30 lbs today with those four. Adding that to the 4.80 we had yesterday, we ended up in 36th place, that was good enough for $400.00.
When you consider that part of it the weekend does not seem so bad. I had some really nice other bass just explode on that frog but never took it. On three of them they knocked the frog up a foot or better. :o That was the only thing I could get them to hit today so I threw it all day long. Tried several different baits but kept going back to the frog. Derek had one hit a worm today that loaded up his rod and his line broke. emoAngry Yesterday it was me doing that and today him. emoScratch <br /><br />The James boys won it by holding their lead from yesterday with just over 20 pounds coming in today with 21 lbs. emoWorthy They did very good to have eight bass average four pounds with the conditions we had. Rogne Brown and Michael Neal took second. I am not sure of the rest. I do know that Ben and Brent Hayes came in tenth. emoThumbsup They did well. Both days they had solid limits.<br /><br />Time to go deer hunting and look forward to next year&#39;s fishing season. emoToast Jmax