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this story takes place of the CA. coast fishing a spot off palos verdes we were fishing for big home guard yellowtail which usually run 30# plus and you fish them in 30' of water are less so you use 60# fishing line and a beat down drag and whince them in anyways i flyline a whole live mackeral have it out swimming for about 10 min. when i feel a heavy pick up let it go on free spool put it in gear and set the hook right away i'm jerked to the rail all i can do to hold on the rod with out it being pulled from my hands couldn't even get a crank on the handle i turn to the captain yelling i can't reel it in and he's yelling back you better reel it in are its going to rock you the passanger next to me points and says look about 100 yards behind the boat a big i mean real big bull seal about 600# pounds worth had come up and was swinging his head on the end of my hook before i could cut the line he takes off for the sunset snapping the line which sent me flying back about 10 feet in to the bait tank banging my haed pretty good and giving everybody a good laugh well that my story of the biggest thing i ever hooked.....hey i never said it was a fish !
well guess that was somethin thee dub!! i think i,d been little nervous on that one. well i dont know if this one qualifys, but it was the first time fishin pulaski river over to new york fer big king salmon, and we had no idea how to fish em, what to do, what the guys were gonna do, cause they were all in a line holdin there fishin poles, i could see em at the edge of the river edge just standin there in the moonlight, i ,m askin my husband what they doin, he didn,t have a clue either, wekll it finally got light and the guys went out in the water to the holes and started castin, well i decided, i,d strt castin too, but then i see my husband talkin to a guy and they both start runnin up and down the river, the salmon runnin front of em, and i,m laughin my everlovin off cause they look so funny, well the next time i casted, there goes the fish, there goes donald, there goes my fishin hook right in the seat of the britches, and i,m hollerin stop, thru the laughter! seems though i could of caught another one than that, haha i thew him back. haha looked too much like a hornpout-- haha too many whiskers, haha guess i,ll quit now haha later mare.[Smile][Wink][cool] i could do some more haha

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