02-12-2014, 10:00 AM
I guess I should say same song second verse. I called myself bass fishing today to start with but after about an hour I was near one of the places I like to crappie fish and it was calling my name. Eased over to it and started shooting a blue and chartreuse crappie tube. They were there. emoThumbsup Not as many as I found in another place the other day but they were bigger. I boated one tarp just over 14 inches and about 15 really nice crappie with only one short. Also had two bull bream as big as my hand. emoTongue Really some nice ones. Did that for the next hour and a half then went back to bass fishing. Should have stayed on the crappie. I wasted about three hours at least throwing everything at them and don't think I ever had a bite. Finally went back to the big crappie hole and managed another ten big crappie and one more bull bream. I had four other crappie that were over 13 inches that were really near 14 inches but fell just shy. If I had been keeping a limit it would have been one really nice limit. All were released to fight another day. emoThumbsup Jmax