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Lake powell decontamination?!?
Why is it that you are required to get a decontamination check done when you enter lake powell but they refuse to decontaminate your boat when you leave does this seem a little bassackwards to anyone else?
possibly. You have to remember that the politics involved have not changed yet -- so, Powell is still mandated to "prevent" and not "contain". Their funding is in the name of prevention. Things will change. Someday.

For now, you still need to do your part: clean, drain, dry.

If you want a professional decontamination wash, I would recommend to call your local DWR office and request it. They'll get your boat cleaned for you.
I was wondering what's going on now at Powell. Can't you just pretend you just got there and get your boat decontaminated when it's time to go[shocked].
I asked them last time I was there if I relaunched that day if they would decontaminate me. They didn't think that was as funny as I did [Smile]
I noticed the yearly class hasn't taken the current Powell situation into account in the latter sections and late questions. I assume they will update that sometime soon. I noticed some lakes back east showed the muscles irradicated. How did they do that? And how can they tell? Later J

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