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first fish I ever caught
Age: 10

fish: 12 inch carp

tackle used: 6 inch rock

I used to live close to a canal. There was a small irrigation ditch coming off that had very little water left. There the carp was, with his top half in the air. I found myself a nice big rock and SPLASH!! No, not very sportsman-like, but hey, I was just a kid
I don't remember the first fish that I caught. I was too young to remember. Luckily for me my dad started me out fishing almost before I could walk. Most likely it was a little bluegill or rainbow trout.
[size 2]First fish I caught was flying fish! I was real young going to Catalina ( on ferry ). As were coming into Avalon real slow fish begin hitting the deck.[/size]

[size 2] I pick one up and it's still alive so I threw it overboard. Of course everyone was screaming...I thought it was funny![laugh][/size]

[size 2] I remember just picking them up and throwing them back in the water[sly][/size]
funniest thing i ever saw on a boat was fishing at catalina one night a flying fish came flying out of the dark between the rail and bulworks hitting some guy in the crotch and droping him to the deck......maybe you had to be there

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