04-10-2014, 09:00 AM
<br /> Fished a small TX out of Caney Cr. with my old bud Cliff. I was gonna fish alone but his partner canceled so we were able to spend a great day together. Cliff and I have been fishing and best friends for many years but life has got in the way of us spending much time in the boat for the last few years. Being in sales my time is limited on the weekends and he has a 7 year old daughter that occupies his time.<br /> I had caught several Tuesday up the river and we went there and wound up staying all day. I was spanking him pretty bad early on a spinner bait and had 2 decent fish in the boat early with one being a 3.5. They were hitting right on the bank and I was front ending him pretty bad so he picked up a jig and got in the game. I may have totaled more for the day but he had the chunks. We weighed in 3 fish (3 fish limit) that totaled 12.4 lbs. We threw back a 3.7 and 3.8 while our smallest fish was a 3.8 that we weighed.<br /> Fished mainly steep banks on the channel with a SB and jig. We each broke off a bass that was in the 4lb range and we each hooked a muskie, at least we think that is what Cliff had. I boated a 28 inch muskie on a chartreuse SB and he had something on a crank bait that hit and ran toward HIM AT 100 MPH. It covered 40 feet in seconds and when he caught up to it his line snapped instantly. <br /> What a great day to spend with a good friend. The worst part was a 1pm weigh in. We could have fished til dark.