04-16-2014, 09:00 AM
This is a little late but haven&#39;t had time much this year to post many reports. We spent the weekend on Guntersville and they are eating well to say the least. Saturday started with the biggest fish of the weekend within the first 20 minutes, Tyler boated a 6&#43; off a dock on a shakey head, she was about to drop eggs so we got a quick picture and put her back. That was pretty much the pattern for us all weekend, shakey heads and texas rigged beavers around docks and laydowns, heck any type of wood was holding fish. All were transition areas and they were either feeding up to get ready for love or already there. We caught a lot of males shallow and most of the better females were just a little deeper except one or two that were already on bed. We spent both days in Roseberry creek or Mud creek, never left the upper end of the lake. And something I&#39;ve not seen around here, we saw several armadillos digging around on the banks and seemed to have no fear of us at all. Can&#39;t wait to go back in May when the top water bite starts. <br />