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Ririe update 5/5
Went up to blacktail after shipping the child off to school this morning. Water is up but still about 40 feet from the rocks between the swim area and the private docks. Water still pretty murky. Bit of wind was causing a mild chop. Couple guys were fishing but they said it was slow. One at end of the dock said he kept missing the perch but had a few. He soon left and I took his spot. Over a couple hous I caught 10 perch in the 9-11" realm and tossed two back around 6". Also got a sucker. Other guy out there caught a couple kokes and lost a few but he had less action. Also heard one of the workers saying they weren't going to fill the reservoir any more. Not sure if that's true but it seems foolish to not fill it completely if they can.
That is true Rire Res will only be filled to 90% this year.[frown]
Whats up with only filling Ririe to 90%?

Don't Know, have to contact the B.O.R. to find out.[frown]
I sent a note to BOR asking why the 90% level. Let's if the answer back and what the reason is.

Here is the answer I got back on filling Ririe to only 90% from the BOR

The projection that Ririe will fill to about 90% is correct. We want to
fill the reservoir but for water delivery and water rights that won't
become important until American Falls Reservoir fills.

Last fall the reservoir was drafted to 40,000 AF to meet winter flood
requirements. The water right accounting storage in Ririe was 26,000 so
water available to Ririe spaceholders was not constrained by flood

Ririe's water rights are junior among the other Upper Snake River
reservoirs. If a senior right downstream calls for water we must deliver,
So far this spring about 1,000 AF has been delivered. Downstream senior
rights have not filled. At this time about 26,000 AF of the 68,000 AF held
in Ririe belongs there.

I don't see why the extra 10% can't be caught and delivered also not cause Ririe to be drawn as far this fall.

American falls can take (their senior right) quite a bit of water in Island Park res if American falls does not fill. I could rain for two weeks and they (AF) will still start opening the gates " to deliver water" when it gets close to filling at 90+% full.

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