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Pelican Lake from Shore
Is it possible to fish Pelican Lake from shore this time of the year? I would be fly fishing and from the pictures I have seen, it looks like the shoreline is pretty heavily vegetated.

Has anyone fly fished it lately. From reports I have seen, it looks like leeches, buggers and haresear like nymphs under and indicator may be the best options.

Feel free to PM me if there are some heavily guarded secrets.
It is pretty heavy vegetation but there are lots of pockets with fish waiting for your fly. Right now the water is pretty high so the water is up into and beyond the weeds in some areas. You may have to explore a little but there are several areas you can fish from shore. The east side is heavily matted from wind pushing the old dead bulrushes up against shore but there are a few pockets. The north and west shore may have better shore fishing access. Sorry I can't give you better details but I haven't been past there for a week or so to see how things have changed. Waders would open up many more possibilities.
Was there Thursday. Fishing was slow. There is a new fishing pier by the boat ramp which people do alright from. Other shore access sucks without waders, then it still sucks. THINK STINKY POND AND SWAMP MUD AND LOTS OF VEGITATION ! The pier is your best bet from shore.
If you go out there and try to fly fish (or any kind of fish, really) from shore, you'll most likely end up frustrated. A float tube, boat, or canoe is definitely in order. The reeds and cattails can run for 50-100 yards in very shallow water in most locations. If you can get out beyond the reeds and cast back towards them, then you'll have it made. Those blugills will take little topwater poppers like a sneaky pete or slippery clyde, but if they wont come up, tie on a small leach or medium sized nymph. Pitch in towards the reeds, let it sink a little, and strip back. Use a floating line! Good luck. RW

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