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derek81(Mr. Big Fish), Chick, BASS, 6/20 CFF night tx..For the WIN!!.., Tyler
Finally we won a CFF! We've fished just about every one of the CFF tournaments for the last 4 or 5 years and finally won one. I can partially thank Jmax for this one...after talking with him before about where he was going and not wanting to start on the same spot him and James were we decided to completely abandon what we had planned and just go fishing to avoid cutting in on them....glad we did! First stop about twenty minutes in I was working a topwater around some grass and had a monster absolutely destroy my lure, one of the coolest bites I've seen. It took us what seemed like forever to land it, just over 8 on my scales, thought it was bigger but was a very skinny fish. It's the biggest I've caught on a topwater other than a frog. To make things even better about an hour later we moved to a bank we could see Jmax working his way down about 200 yards from us, as he got just close enough to talk to I felt a tap on a beaver and set the hook and a 5lber came jumping out of the water, we netted the fish and was nice enough to show it and the 8+ off to Jmax and James. emoCool They left that area shortly after and we were able to get a 3 to fill our limit. About 10:30 Tyler got our last good bite on a shaky worm, it was 3.4 on my scale. After 11:00 the bite really slowed down for us and we never could get rid of that 3. I won't forget watching that 8 crush a Reaction Innovations Vixen for a long time. Thanks to Earl and Patrick, it was a very smooth tournament. Look forward to the next.

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