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Jordanelle Bass from Bank
Hitting Jordanelle for the first time tonight, and going to target bass for my first time. Bringing my 12 year old with me. Thought I'd share my strategy, and get any last minute feedback from ya'all who know what you're doing.

Going to park at Rock Cliffs parking lot and follow the trail to the weedbeds, and we'll fish for perch for a little bit. This part of the strategy is all about psychology. I'm told the perch is easy there, and if we hook into a couple--it ensures an outing without getting skunked, which would be nice.

Then I'll keep working along the bank, fishing for bass. I plan to use tubes on a jig first, and then switch to a dropshot rig if the tubes aren't working for me. If we stay past sunset, I may try some topwater lures.

1) Is the terrain in that area okay for a 12 year old fishing from the bank? Are there better/safer spots?
2) If I catch any small perch, is it useful as bait for any other fishing tonight, or later?
3) Would it be worth my while to use spinners at all (jake's, mepps, etc). My only experience up to this point is on small reservoirs where trout love the spinners. My reading seems to indicate that trout in larger BOW are usually deeper right now. Will they hit the surface in the evening for spinners or a fly behind a bubble?
4) I have rather heavy line on my pole right now (12 lb I think?), that has served well for trout in the Uintahs and at reservoirs. . Is it worth the time to switch it out for 6 lb. flourocarbon before I hit the bank?
5) Can I fish with a second pole or do I need to purchase an additional permit? Can my 12 year-old son fish with a second pole?

Fishing is still so new to me. I can hardly concentrate at work because I feel like I'm going to Disneyland tonight. I'm so pumped and anxious that my son and I have a good outing. You know I'm in addiction mode when I go fishing during a BYU football game--my wife was floored last night when I proposed I take Hyrum fishing tonight.

Thanks for any feedback.
Be advised that Jordanelle has been drawn down quite a bit.lately and where the weedbeds were at Rock Cliffs is now high and dry.

Nevertheless, there are still a few bass and perch near stickups on the North side. Concentrate on those areas and you should get a little action. If you are unfamiliar with bassin', I'd use a small yellow jig tipped with a worm under a bobber in those spots and you should catch a few perch and a bass or two.
Just got back from a fun trip.
Hyrum saved our skunk by hooking into one bass, I'm thinking it was a largemouth, because at only 10-11" length, he seemed to have a mouth that was about a 3" diameter. The picture isn't that great.

We pretty much stayed right near the boat ramp at Rock Cliff. We hiked a ways up the trail and tried to work our way back to shore, but then thought better of that and headed back to our original spot.

Fished a dropshot for a while, and on the first cast in the water felt a nice bite. I wasn't quick enough setting the hook; and that was pretty much the story of the night. Hyrum fished wacky rigged the entire time. He was patient, stayed in the same place the entire time (he had to get the one that got away), and finally brought one in on a shim-e-stick. I switched to wacky rigged 3"senko; got some great hits, but I'm too slow on setting the hook still.

Frankly, it was the perfect "tease" night of fishing. Enough action to keep me excited. In some respects this is probably better for me that had I caught a dozen fish. It keeps me hungry for more.

My takeaways:
1) Gamakatsu hooks are sharp;
2) Buy the shim-e-sticks from wallmart and save a few bucks;
3) Sportsman warehouse will be the end of me; I showed tremendous self-control only spending $21;
4) I'd much rather see my son catch a fish then catch one myself;
5) Bring seven dollars for the park fee so I don't have to "tip" them with a $10 bill; (by the way, is there any place to park and walk in at Jordanelle?);
6) We lost 4 Gamakatsu Octopus hooks, but I found a Panther martin, and a very nice 4" crankbait lure, so I came out ahead on the tackle equation;
7) I want a new camera.

Now, if I can sweet talk my wife into letting me go fish somewhere tomorrow. . .

Hope you all have a great holiday weekend.
That would be a small mouth bass or bronze back. Congrats and welcome to the addiction of bass fishing!
Very nice indeed for your son, and yes that is a typical Jordanelle smallmouth. Glad you guys had fun.

Re"Fished a dropshot for a while, and on the first cast in the water felt a nice bite. I wasn't quick enough setting the hook; and that was pretty much the story of the night."

Now, if you are going back, rig up your dropshot again, go to sportsmans and buy a pack of Yamamoto cut tail worms in watermelon green with gold flake, and fish the exact same area. Personal experience (this week) would indicate you should be able to catch a bunch of those bass that size plus a few perch.
Nice!! That is a Jordanelle smallmouth, they aren't that big but they sure know how to fight! I'm glad you had some success and with some more trips out I'm sure you'll start hooking up with more and more.

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