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Looking for a way to easily change leaders.
With my WF5F fly line having a loop on the end, I've looking for a way to easily change leaders.

How are you folks changing the leader right at the fly line? Do you just take it off, roll it up and put it in something like a ziplock bag?
They sell leader wallets you can use.
Thanks [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=TroutMan93"]TroutMan93[/url],

That's probably just what I was looking for.
I have a wallet for my sink tips for my 8 wt rio versitip line and it's great to have it and to be able to switch it out real quick.
I have the wallet also for my versa-tip, and the Spay line with multi tips, but for regular fishing I use one leader all season or until it gets damaged.
I make my own leader (furled) and I use one all season generally. I will pack a couple extras in case, but I end up giving them to others.
Mono leaders have so much memory anyway, I hated rolling them up. I also stretched them out before using them. Furled is so much easier.
I am talking floating lines here. Sinking lines I don't use a tapered leader.
I'm brand new to fly fishing and don't quite know what I'm doing yet. But it seemed to me I would want to change leaders at times and that wallet looks like just the thing.

I guess I'll have to find a way to keep track of what each leader is. Maybe a piece of masking tape on the inside wall of each partition stating the X size and tippet size. Such as 5X - 2lb.
Oh sure, I understand that. I have a wallet I use to use ....somewhere.[Smile]
I just got to the point I use one leader all the time and just switch tippet, so no wallet needed, but I do pack all sizes of tippet.
I expect I will want to change leaders often, trying to figure out how to do this fly fishing thing.
Harry... in most cases you dont have to change your leader that often.. once it is spooled with the fly line on your reel you should be good to go for most of a fishing season.. however, if you damage or break it (mono line) you will to change to a new one... on the other hand, TIPPET is changed often depending on the size of fly etc...

Hello [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=macfly55"][/url]macfly55[/url],

I was mainly thinking of changing the leader so that I can change the size and type of fly that I fish.

Not quite knowing what I'm doing, I don't suppose I'm going to have too much luck at this fly fishing at first. I imagine that I will want to change leaders and type of fly fairly often to try something different. Larger and smaller leaders for larger and smaller flies. Also mono tippet for dry and fluorocarbon for wet. I'll get myself one of those leader wallets to keep leaders in.

When you want a different tippet, I think that most fly fisherman just tie on what they want. For me, I think I would prefer changing to a leader that already has close to the proper tippet on it. I'm not real good with knots and I take a long time to tie them. Plus I hate wasting line.

As you said, and as I learn more, I probably won't be changing leaders as often. I'll get settled into what works for me.

Thanks [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=macfly55"][/url]macfly55[/url]


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