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Mad at mself but it's still good
Went to St George for the senior games, (wife's want), Watched Pickleball, then more Pickleball. Enough! I had brought my float tube, guess why. So had my wife drop me off at Sand Hallow about 1:30 with a pick up at 6. Naturally, she's off to more Pickleball. Took me most of the time to find em. Thought they would be in the same area, but not, Finally found em deep, a good distance from shore, in the vegetation. Since I don't use a fish finder, I had to search the bottom by fishing. Anyway had 2-3 hook ups and lost em. Finally figured out my drag was way, way loose and they were un hooking in the bottom weeds. Finally caught some as you can see. They were nice. Used dark sinko, wacky hooked.
Next day, decided not to go because of windy forcast. Mistake, and that's why I'm mad!!! Oh well, 1 good day is better then none!!! More Pickleball, uuuuugh.

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Great report! Bummer on the missed day though.

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