10-22-2014, 09:00 AM
Pat Ryan and I had big plans to launch very early and run upriver to get in on some white bass activity that has been happening lately, but alas, Mother Nature had other plans for us this AM. Due to socked in fog that didn&#39;t leave until well after 9:30, we were limited to crappie fishing near where we launched at Tyner Lane ramp. emoBang <br /><br />But the good news, the crappie wanted to play today. So we proceeded to whack and stack them until the fog lifted and then we ran upriver. The bass only schooled briefly and wouldn&#39;t touch anything that we had to offer. emoBang But the crappie upriver wanted to play, so we proceeded again, to whack and stack crappie. Biggest one that I caught was between 13.5 and 13.75. I thought it was a TARP when I first saw the thing coming up from the deep. They always look bigger in the water. emoBig
I only took one pic today and it wasn&#39;t the biggest crappie. But it was a nice 12&quot; fish. Pat caught most of the fish today, the little ones anyway. emoPoke Sorry, Pat. I just had to get in one gig. I was on my best behavior, but did put over 1/2 of the keepers in the livewell. We kept 18 and threw back any that we 10&quot; or slightly above. <br /><br />Met Raymond Reed (I think he told me his screen name is Radar), and daughter up the river a ways. If that isn&#39;t the correct screen name, please forgive me. Blame it on CRS. The S could stand for several 4 letter words. I gave him some Bobby Garland jigs and hope that he and daughter continued to catch the crappie after we left. Pat and I both had a short morning to fish today. Water temp per Pat&#39;s gauge was 70.1. <br /><br />Thanks for taking me fishing today, Pat. I always enjoy the fellowship and the catching fish without having to worry about running the trolling motor. You are getting really good at this guiding thing. emoBig
emoGeezer<br /><br />Oh and I almost forgot. We saw EricM fishing in his #1 secret hole and we stopped briefly to hear him cry about releasing a 44&#43; lb Striper on 6 lb test line without realizing that it was a new world line class record. As if he needs another record. He would have to add another room on to his house to hold another certificate. emoPoke I&#39;m sure that we will hear about it when he posts his report.