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No Ice here ??? Well Off the VIVA Again
Last Sept. we hit Viva Naughton and caught plenty of 18" to 22" toads.. It was a BLAST !!!![cool] We all just keep kidding around with each other about coming back ice fishing.. The reason for the kidding was because of the 10-30 mph winds that kept us all hunkered down.. Thought to my self " this will be a nightmare in winter".. Well we are MANING[:/] up and going..[crazy] Just checked the weather forecast for Kemmerer.. We will be fishing this wen. and thurs.. Tuesday windy and the high of zerO .. Low of -22.. [pirate]WOW !! Wen. sunny[cool] low -8 and highs +10..[crazy] Thurs. sunny high +19 and lows + 5[cool][cool]
Well wish us luck..
May the Wyoming God of wind be at rest and sleep sleep SLEPP !!
Pack it in
Good luck! Here's a few weeks agoSmile
Sweet !!! I got a couple spots I want to try.. What was the bait ?? The running shallow or deep ?? Very many people out ??
Pack it in
Not many people out.. Small white tubes with waxies was best... Caught most about 10-12 ft down. Didnt mark fish, the flasher would just turn red and slam! Was alot of slow time... They seemed to come through in waves.. Caught a few on jawjacker too.. Small ice fly with waxie. Good luck![fishon]
Oh yeah... Watch out for deer! They are everywhere!
oh yeah on the deer! There was hundreds and I mean hundreds of them up there in September all in town all on the road on the way out.thanks for the tips...
Pack it in
Hey hawky did u give me some wax worms after u left
Yeah!!! Hahaha!! We went the next weekend and did good too!
You guys catch any? We trying fontanelle next thurs n fri
Sadly no we caught the skunk but see lots of really nice bucks on the way home dont know why we couldnt catch anything we usually catch some.
would probably be good rabbit hunting around there! That lake is evil to me more often than not!
Where is that lake located even because I've never heard of that lake name in utah [crazy].
I believe it is located in Wyoming.
ive fished viva twice this year. i believe i was the first one to punch a hole in the cove. the first trip was awesome. second trip was Sadly very slow. first trip our group iced 30 fish. second trip i think we might of caught ten total. love the fish there thou! they fight hard!
okay I see ya when I typed the name and then Utah it send me to Wyoming on Google map so I was Confused.

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