02-07-2015, 10:00 AM
Had to do two customers this morning but got finished early. emoSmile Wind blowing a hundred, white caps, waves and cold! Why not!? Had to go try it. Was not sure if I would regret it but ended up a pretty good day. After catching a few last Sunday I could hear those bass calling my name again down at the water. Tried a couple folks to fill the back seat but after being told I was nuts about three times I just gave up. emoBig
Tried several things and several baits but found two patterns that produced today for me. One was a jerk bait on steep rock banks fished really slow, I had one that would sink slowly. I was fishing rock where the sun was hitting it. Every bite came while it was sitting still. The other pattern was clay flats on the main river in four to six feet using a trap. Managed to boat ten bass. emoThumbsup I lost another good one and missed several others. Like last Sunday they were not hitting it very hard and the ones I boated were mostly not hooked all that well. You can see it in the pictures.<br /><br />Had some nice fish, best one was 5 lbs and 12 ozes. emoDance Caught a decent limit. Water temps were from 45 to almost 50. With the cold front coming in they may move deeper but the Chick seems to have fish year round in less then ten feet. Here are a few of the ones I boated. The 1st picture is the big girl, she was a pretty bass, fat and put up a good fight. emoTongue