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Daniel Tn, Chickamauga, Bass, Feb -- Late Report, Dad's PB largemouth
This is a late post for dad. I have been meaning to put this up but have been working about 80+ hrs a week, 7 days a week. Once you get like that...everything seems to come and go as a blur and time gets away from ya.<br /><br />Dad had made a trip down to the Chick a couple weeks ago and decided it was time to dedicate a day to the Rig. From what I was a horrible day. The wind got up REAL bad and they couldn't fish anywhere they wanted to fish. So as they were heading back to the ramp, they saw a spot that looked like it wasn't as windy and was shielded somewhat from the wind. Pulled in there....started throwing out, slow rolling the rig. And boom....first fish on the rig is a 6 pounder. He tried to get it to the boat without a nearby passing boat seeing him do it...but that didn't work out. Dude comes right over and stops his boat, and then tries to take over the spot. Dad ends up catching a 5 pounder...then the kicker...his person best to date. An 8 pounder. If I'm not mistaken, these were the first 3 fish he has caught on the Rig. <br /><br />I'm chomping at the bit to get down there myself but since the new record fish news and all that...I bet the fish are gonna be sick of seeing A-Rigs flash by their heads. I wanna get me a new PB while the iron is hot. On and on a side note...he ain't been doing that bad on the big crappie either. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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