02-20-2015, 10:00 AM
I had an hour and 1/2 to fish before Candi got in from Madisonville today and I did some scouting and fished a little bit. Caught 3 keepers before she called me to pick her up at the Wolftever ramp. So, we fished for about 4 hours. We struggled to catch fish today. We ran down to the lower end of the lake to see if anything was going on and it is a desert down there. I'm not going back down there before 2016. emoBig
<br /><br />We ran back upriver and found a few fish before she had to go. I dropped her off and ran to a secret spot and first fish there was my 2nd TARP black crappie of the year. 15.5&quot; and 2 lbs and 6 ozs. Beautiful fish and strong as a bass. I released her, but did keep 9 crappie and a 2.5 lb bass. One of Jmax&#39;s pets I guess. I caught a drum and we each caught little tiny bass.<br /><br />That&#39;s it for a while looks like. Old Man winter is getting here. emoBig