03-07-2015, 10:00 AM
emoThumbsup Just to compliment 2 youngsters whom fished with me today. emoBooHoo We started the morning @ Harrison Bay Ramp, met up with group from Chattanooga Christian Academy, paired out with the students, had prayer emoAngel and away we go on the hunt. Hunt we did in and around the area &amp; into Wolftever Creek. The other 8 boat swere looking for Crappie, they caught, emoDoh &amp; we continue to hunt. <br /><br />Jordan &amp; George &amp; I continued to clean our lures to no avail....Finally, emoSorry , u guessed wrong, hehe. We changed colors of trap &amp; starter catching, STRIPE, STRIPE, STRIPE, that was it.<br /><br />Jordan &amp; George, it was my pleasure today to spend a day with you. Even though we did not catch our ideal creature, I believe we all enjoyed the day. I look forward to again assist CCA with activity, Matt, you have a great group &amp; you have done well with the students. They are privileged to to have you as an instructor.....thanks.......... we will getem next time. Congrats to all who participated, everyone seemed to truly enjoy..................emoGeezer emoUSA emoFish emoFish