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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 5/28/2015, Dr Phillip Gawthrop
Dr Phil and I got in a little less than 1/2 day of crappie fishing this AM. We checked several off shore dropoffs and didn't find many fish stacked up on them. I did try one spot and the only fish that we caught from that spot was a beauty 14.0 TARP Black Crappie. I knew just as soon as Phil netted this one that it was close to TARP size and was exactly 14 inches. The fishing on off shore was not good at all this AM.<br /><br />So, we hit a couple of docks and on our first casts under the first dock, we doubled with 12" keepers. The waves from a cruiser then began to pound this dock, and although we made several more casts, we did not hook up another fish. So, we hit the 2nd dock and caught 1 keeper and 1 short and I lost a 12" fish trying to lift it over the side instead of netting it. emoBang Dumb mistake. I know better. <br /><br />It was nearing the time when Phil had to quit fishing and I wanted to check out a bluff structure. We caught 7 keepers on the bluff. I just love bluff fishing. Also, a keeper sized spot that was released to fight another day. Trashy green fish. No cats and no drum today. We just passed by one other off shore structure on the way to the ramp and it had no fish on it either. Bass fishermen are pounding this spot to death. They used to never fish this spot. <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Phil. Sunday looking good for you? emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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