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licoln beach 01-12-04
went out and fished licoln beach yesterday from 3:30 until around 5:00 I caught 9 white bass all around 12 1/2 to 15". Not really fast, but fairly good anyway. It seemed that their food of choice was a pink jig with nightcrawler,

Jed Burton
Thanks for the report Jed, wow a 15 inch White is a big one, were you fishing at the spring? WH2
just outside the spring. I have a two pole permit so I was fishing with both of then on holes five feet apart and one pole didn't get touched and the other pole is the one I caught them all on. Yea the one was a big fat one.

Jed Burton
I guess you are saying that the area outside the spring is frozen? Is the spring froze or is the water so low that the whole area is frozen? What do you think the difference was between your two poles as far as one catching fish and the other not? WH2
How thick is the ice?
the ice was about 5-6 inches deep so yea it is frozen really well. As far as the difference between poles it was just location, because the jig they were hitting on was on both poles.

I forgot to mention that there were a couple of lao guys there who were doing pretty well on pink and chartreuse sonars.

Jed Burton

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