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Red Fleet help please

First great group on here, i have been lurking for sometime. Was thinking about hit red fleet for few eyes before they kill it off this fall ( called DNR and they are going to nuke it) Was looking for general location and rigs you have had success with on here. Going to try to hit it July 18th or 19th Thanks for any info !
Not much on Red fleet being posted, this was the last report but not a lot of info was given. You could try and send this member a PM though:
Good luck and let us know how you do.
Thanks WiperHunter2
Be sure to post a report when you get back. Good luck. Exploratory fishing is always fun. I have a trip planned for next week to little known waters and aces I have never been to.
No problem, here is one more by the same member:
I know you are headed there for eyes, but we hit Red Fleet last night fishing for trout.

We caught at least 20 or so within two hours. I wanted to use my kokanee gear to target trout (knowing that I always catch a trout or two at Flaming Gorge and Strawberry).

Within 30 seconds of dropping a downrigger, we had a hook-up. We lost too many fish to count. I think I am going to switch out one of the J hooks on the squid for a treble hook.

I am interested in hearing how you do for walleye. Red Fleet is less than 10 minutes from my house and I have never targeted fact I have no idea where to begin.

Best of luck!
Thanks all for info.. The trip got derailed going to try the 25-26 if my lazy fishing partners don't sissy out on me. Might hit the bay for a bit this weekend. Hope all that get to fish this weekend have great trips.
Do what I do and leave them home and go anyway.
Then you get the joy of telling them what they missed out on.
I use to do exactly that !!! Now I have this fishing platform and makes life little hard to launch and load by ones self

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