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Deer Creek Report 7/14/15
Well, the girlfriend is back in school so our fishing together is limited to evenings. A quick jaunt up to Deer Creek last night was in order to get our weekly fix in. It was three of us. Her, Myself and her daughter.

We arrived at 615, parked and walked up the trail.

First thing I noticed was how low the water has gotten in over a week. It's getting low.

Then the wind, it kicked up and made it almost pointless to try and cast, but we still muscled through it.

We sit and ended up catching 4 through the 3 hours we were there. They were 15"+ and 1.25 lbs +, again more for the smoker.

Fishing off the bottom with powerbait and no bobber is what we do.

I had to yell at a rec boater as they came in way close to shore and went right over our lines, I was pissed and they heard me loose my cool. But they got the picture as they stayed away from us for the rest of the evening.
Thanks for the report.

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