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Mantua Alive and Thriving
Fished the pond 7/19 with a pal caught over 200 plus fish kept these 62 for a family fish fry. Ice flys and jigging spoons killed it off the knob!
Alive and kicking? was. Now that you half of the lake's bio mass on a bench I guess the remaining fish have that much more to eat. That is quite a haul to be sure.

Well since you opened your mouth with your 2 cents it was a decent haul! I'm not a fan of wasting this sweet meat at all and none of it will make it's way to the freezer and those who know me know better! Just got done with a family fish fry and just bout finished it off between 7 of us in case you were wondering. There's just enough for a decent lunch tommor! Half the lake's biomass is sum funny s#!t right there apparently you haven't seen what's going on in the pond and has been for years ? ?
Ya your right never seen a yellow perch, blue gill, large mouth nor a slime rocket in that pond fo sure!!
Nice mess of fish. I've caught every species on your table at Mantua with my fly rod.
Nice haul. How did you prepare them, and what tasted the best?
Maybe gagnamfisher is actually Mantua Barney, trying to get some traffic in to drum up some revenue.
I split them up and did half deep fried in peanut oil coated with a 50/50 cornmeal & cornflour for fish tacos the rest was put into a scampi with white zin, zucchini and smoked garlic tossed with pasta! Excellent meal fo sure..
What size are the perch?
There's Always Time For One More Cast
8in on the low side 13 on the high we lost several really nice ones next to the boat.
62 fish for 7 people. Wow! I just fed 6 with 12 ten inch smallies out of deer creek. We made fish tacos. 1 fillet per taco and 2 tacos per person.
It's weird, mostly when I see other people complaining about people keeping a lot of fish, those same people have a lot of posts about not being able to catch fish. You know what they say though, no one wants to believe they're the problem.
So true and they rarely make fishing post.

OK guys, quite harassing this guy for keeping fish, there are plenty of fish in Manuta and as long as they are being used, you should not be giving the OP grief for doing so. Sounds like a great day on the pond to me.
Thanks for the report! Sounds like a good day. I never understand the people complaining about "Selective Harvest" if you are eating all of the fish you take, and you are not violating regulations then what do they have to complain about?
I kept 19 gills up there in about 1.5 hours a few weeks ago, fried em up at a family reunion. The water was boiling with them. One thing to remember is that this year's ice fishing season was very short and normally many of these fish would have been pulled out then. People complain about dinks at DC and Jordanelle too, but those dinks are stunted SMB because no one wants to keep any smaller than 12 inches.
Ya well bass fillets are significantly bigger than a 7 to 9 in gill fillet last time I checked ! By the time there cleaned up and fried crispy the wee lil fillets are less than 1 X 2 in long so what's your point? I guess I could of ripped the gills out of the big largie we caught if I wanted sum serious fillets?
Your quite the mathematical fellow sure glad you know how to divide 62 by 7! Sounds to me like you might be the 12 yr old with your responses. Accuse me of being a gluttonous pig with my harvest, doubt my credibility on where I was fishing and call me a 12 yr old? Guys like you prevent me from posting all my fishing trip reports! Ton of haters on bft very little positive in regards to a decent post sure glad I don't frequent here often.
Here's a positive from a non-hater.

I'm delighted you and your pal caught that many fish, and that you were able to feed seven more people with them. (I hope this proves that at least one BFT member can read.)

You've put Mantua back on my "gotta go" list for the near future. I'm sure I won't be nearly as successful, but you give me hope.
Thank you for posting and don't let them win by not continuing to post. Nothing wrong with keeping fish that are legal to keep and are used. Also, no need to even reply to those who choose to harass others who post and rarely offer anything of value themselves.
Glad to read the report and see the picture you posted. I didn't see where you broke any law by keeping these fish. I love eating bass especially largemouth but I usually don't keep them this late in the summer at least not in Utah. I don't keep the big females but a 1 to 2 lb. bass is great filleted and fried in butter. Keep your reports coming and have a great day. [fishin]

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