11-10-2015, 10:00 AM
I wasn&#39;t necessarily planning on going this morning with all the rain predicted. I thought that I might go down to the RP and see if the Brown fish wanted to play and stay out of the way of the CBA. But then I heard about the row boat races and decided to forget about that idea. So I woke up and just decided I&#39;d go to HB and brave both the rain and the CBA. I got out on the edge of a flat and guess what I was throwing? One of my old chart / Wht spinner baits of course! I fished about an hour without a single bite. Then at 9:05 am as I slow rolled the spinner bait, WHAM! Seriously the fish almost took the rod out of my hands. It was the hardest hit I have ever had on a spinner bait or anything else as far as that goes. I never really got to set the hook. All I could do was lean back on the rod and hold on! The fish took off stripping drag for about 12 / 15 yards. I immediately thought that this was either a Stripper or a big &#39;ol Drum. I was kind of disappointed and disgusted at that point. Then the fish turned and came at me quartering at an angle. She stopped and open that big mouth and shook her head and I could see down in the water that it was indeed a Bass. I thought the fish was about 6 lbs. or so looking down into the water. She never tried to jump at all. She just kept bulldogging and digging toward the bottom. I still didn&#39;t know how big she was but we went twice completely around the boat. I just loosened the drag a bit and walked round and round the boat letting her try to dig deeper into the water and hopefully wearing herself out. Again she never tried to come up and jump at all. Finally she came broad side, on her side and I reached and got the net and slide her right into it. That&#39;s when I realized that this might be a 10 lber? This year I have caught two 9.3&#39;s and four more fish over 8 lbs. But after of more than 55 years of puddle and pond hopping, creek wading and countless trips to trophy Bass lakes all over the South East, the elusive 10 lb. Bass had always been just a dream for me. I had never caught one over 10 lbs. Until today. She was 10 lbs. 5 oz. I had to run over and interrupt two other anglers to get them to take a couple of pictures for me. I&#39;m sorry, but I didn&#39;t even get their names, but thank you guys again anyway! They also saw me release her to make more babies for someone else to catch. I&#39;ll try to get Dink Dink to attach the pictures in a bit because I still don&#39;t know how! <br />I