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Soldier Creek - Wed February 3rd
Fished the Soldier Creek side of Strawberry today. Arrived on the ice around 9:00 a.m. and fished until 2:00 p.m. Only caught 16 slot cutts, biggest about 18-inches. No rainbows. Kind of a lack-luster day. Extremely cold wind blowing all day 15-20 mph. No slush - all of the water & slush I found last Friday is now solid.

Dropped my video camera down today. Saw fish almost all of the day, just cruising around. They had no interest in biting & the bite was non existent. The only way I caught as many as I did is because I could see them take my jig. Never did feel the strike on the surface.

I was fishing in 27 FOW and using various Cut-R-Bugs, Radical Glow jigs and Gizzy bugs tipped with meat.

Access - I went in on the SC campground road and down the boat ramp. There are huge snow drifts on this road - 12 feet deep. You will need a tracked vehicle, skis, or strong legs to access the ice on this side of the reservoir.
Thanks for the report! SC can be tough at times.
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!

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