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Pineview ice conditions
Was just curious as to what the ice conditions are on Pineview am hoping that the ice holds up till after thursday night any help would be great thanks
We fished the narrows from 8:30 AM to about 7:00 PM, caught nothing all day until sunset, then 16 crappie on worms and glow in the dark ice jigs of various colors, it seems like orange and green were the most popular colors.

The ice was quickly on the way to getting bad, we looked out of the tent at about 10:30 and there was a little bit of water on top but by 3:00 it was 1-3 inches of water on top of the ice everywhere you went. Under the water was about 4 inches of packed snow and then 8-10 inches of hard clear ice. It's only going to get down to freezing for a couple days this week, so the water is probably there to stay. I don't know enough about these kind of conditions to know what to do but unless someone tells me otherwise it looks like I'm done with Pineview until next season.

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